Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Plzensky Prazdroj, a. s. - Pilsner Urquell

We've carried Pilsner Urquell for a while now at Trader Joes, so I decided that it was time to give it a try. I feel like lighter beers have been underrepresented on this blog, so I might as well change that up a bit.

Pilsner Urquell is one of the most (if not the most) famous of the Czech beers that makes its way to the U.S. It is "the world's first pilsner" and is now brewed in a few different locations in Europe. I was reading some reviews of the beer on beeradvocate and it seems that the recipe has been dummed down a bit over time to suit more people. Bad move, guys. From my experience with beers, they never seem to taste as good once you change something that was already tasty.
Alright, time for a try.

The beer pours a clean and clear golden yellow with a quickly receding white foam head. It smells the way I've come to learn pilsners should smell- clean, hoppy, a little funky and a little skunked. This one's definitely not skunked, but has that slight skunky smell.

The taste is clean and crisp. The hops make up the body of the flavor and there is a very earthy quality to them. The finish has the bitter flavor that most European beers do. It definitely represents the style well. The beer's flavor even remind me a bit of a saison. For beer that is produced this much, it's actually not bad. Definitely way better than a Beck's or a Budweiser. I don't think this beer is anywhere near the top of my list, but it was better than I was expecting.

Final Grade: B

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