You might remember Surly as the makers of a Double IPA I tried a few months back, Abrasive. Well Abrasive isn't the only Top 100 Beer that they make. Besides Abrasive (#34), they make Darkness (#57, I'm working on it...) and Furious (#88). Not bad at all. Since Surly doesn't currently distribute to San Diego, the only way to try any of these beers is to either go there, trade for it, have a friend who gets it or find it online. I was able to find a website that carried Surly and opted to get Furious that way. So glad I did! At number 88 on the list- Furious.
Furious pours a reddish copper color with a 1/2 finger sand colored head and some spotty lacing down the glass. The nose is full of a great combination of pine and citrus hops with a touch of something that smells a bit like tea. There's a hint of caramel sweetness as well in the aroma.
The flavor is chock full of pine and citrus hops with a substantial malt backbone holding the hops in check. A touch of caramel shows up briefly before it's run out of town by a dry and lingering pine hop finish. The mouthfeel is slightly creamy and seems to coat your throat in fresh hops with every sip. This is definitely one of the better IPAs I've had. Surly, please start distributing to San Diego!
Final Grade: A
Top 100 Beers Tasted: 36
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